My latest update, at Gwen’s request, is an option to have the keyboard speak sounds as you type. You will find this setting in the user editor (click Edit next to your name or “Player One”). The setting is “Speak Letter Sounds”.
You probably only want to use “Speak Letter Sounds” when practicing English words. For the most part, each letter (or phonogram) makes its most common sound when you type it. doesn’t work well with vowels saying their long sounds at the end of a syllable or word, or before a silent E.
It knows common phonograms, so if you type two letters that go together quickly enough, you will hear the sound they make correctly rather than separate sounds. In other words, when you type SH you will hear the sound file for /sh/ instead of /s/ and /h/. Eventually I plan to add some sort of celebratory graphic or sound when you successfully type a phonogram quickly. This encourages typing each sound as a unit even when they are made up of multiple keystrokes. I included common welded sounds such as WOR saying /wer/ and ALK saying /auk/. You will hear C and G soften before an E, I, or Y as well.